
Hey Friends,

I am so sorry that it has been forever since I've posted anything. Working all the jobs, keeping my family a priority and preparing to launch a radio show has been overwhelming to say the least.

Right now I have a little bit of breathing room, and wanted to take the time to give you all a quick update. The show starts Sunday night!!!!!!!!!!! We'll start at 9:00 PM EST on Sirius Channel 161, be there if you can. Call in and let's talk!

This blog will most likely move over to the show's website which is talprincelive.com It should be live sometime today, but you know how that type of stuff goes. Just keep checking, and eventually it will be there.

I'm out in San Diego for the National Pastors Convention which starts a bit later tonight. This is my favorite city in the whole wide world. The only thing that makes it a drag right now is that my wife and girls are not here with me. NEWMAN.

I'm sitting in a coffee shop listening to some good music and thinking about the show. Please pray for us as this is an overwhelming and incredible opportunity for us. Honestly, I'm pretty terrified of this entire thing, but also beyond thrilled and hopeful.

We have the chance here to minister to so many different types of folks, and hopefully people that don't know Jesus will listen and get help, too.

If you have ideas for the show, please let me know! Mainly we desire to create a safe place for people to be transparent, and in exchange be transformed by the truth of the Gospel. Never forget, God didn't save you because he has good taste.

Pray for us, and partner with us as we move out into unchartered waters. Oh, and by "partner" I don't mean cut us a check. You'll notice that we will never ask for money for the radio ministry. Yet another part of our little revolution!

Let's have fun!
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