Thanks To Kim Ketola!

Hello Friends!

Well, we're three shows in and we're trying to work out the kinks and learn some important lessons. Personally, I'm having a blast!

Our second show from Nashville was what I would really like our show to be like. We had lots of interaction with you, and we got some folks some solid help. That is fantastic! We want to thank John from WAY FM in Nashville for engineering the program! He did a great job for us, and we were very thankful.

Last night, it was great to have my friend, Kim Ketola, with us.  Talking about abortion in a non-politicized way is a tad difficult, but she did a great job.  Having been there, she is very grace based and merciful.  We had a really insightful conversation about a topic that is far more common in the pews than we care to think.

This coming week, we're going to have Cliff Barrows on the program. He worked with legendary evangelist Billy Graham for over 60 years! Can you believe it? He's a fascinating man, and we will have a great deal to learn from him. We will be taking calls on this show, so please plan to call in!  If you have questions that you would like answered, you can e-mail them in advance to

Do you have ideas or topics you would like for us to cover? Please write in and let us know!  Just e-mail us, and we'll put it on our list.

If you want us to cover pornography more often, please let us know about that too! We'll deal with it pretty regularly, but it will help us to know how often you would like for us to cover it.

We are here to interact with you!

If you are in the Birmingham, Alabama area, I will be preaching at Cathedral Church of the Advent Tuesday and Wednesday at noon.  Details are available at 

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