Local Birmingham Affiliate Runs Piece on Tapestry of Hope
Brenda Ladun from our local Birmingham ABC affiliate recently interviewed Marc Philips and myself about Tapestry of Hope, our church community.
I'm posting a link for you here, should you care to go check it out. IF you do, why not leave a nice comment for the folks at ABC 33/40?
Before you watch it, let me just say that I'm not sure why the TV folks always like to get me sweating and squinting while looking at the sun, but they do - a lot. My eyes actually do open from time to time, and I am capable of telling my story without sweating profusely.
Here's the link.
I'm in Dallas this week, so please pray for me while I'm at this conference. Thanks!
I'm posting a link for you here, should you care to go check it out. IF you do, why not leave a nice comment for the folks at ABC 33/40?
Before you watch it, let me just say that I'm not sure why the TV folks always like to get me sweating and squinting while looking at the sun, but they do - a lot. My eyes actually do open from time to time, and I am capable of telling my story without sweating profusely.
Here's the link.
I'm in Dallas this week, so please pray for me while I'm at this conference. Thanks!
Hi -
This is Jon, from Stuff Christians Like. Thanks for your great comment on the shack post. That has been a fun topic to wrestle with folks on and my hope is that my intent, that we need to discuss it openly and honestly, came through in the post I wrote.
Let me know about the radio show. I am always up for stuff like that and having gone to college in Birmingham, am a big fan of that city.
Jon - theacuffs@yahoo.com
I have sad news. A blog has died in recent weeks. I think it was yours.
First time on your blog. LOVE it. Keep up the great work.
I'll be praying for your trip.
Thanks so much, brother. Love what you guys do, and am inspired by a lot of your stuff.
If I can ever be of help to you or your church in the area of porn/sex addiction please let me know. It would be an honor to help out!