Drew Marshall and Willie P. Young


I hope you are well, my friends! We are SO excited for this week's show. We are going to have Drew Marshall and Willie P. Young as our guests.

Willie Young is the author of, The Shack. This is a book that is gaining a great deal of tension out there, and has been selling out everywhere. It is not without controversy, and that's alright. The book deals with the Trinity through a fictional story about a man whose youngest daughter was abducted. I love the subtitle - Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity. That's nice.

Lots of people are upset about The Shack, and lots of people have been profoundly effected by it. Let's have a great discussion about it and remember as we talk that the Trinity doesn't become a quartet when any of us die. We are all highly capable of being wrong about stuff.

Drew is one of my new friends, and the only way I can describe him is - Stone Crazy. I got to appear on his show last week and we had a blast. Drew hosts the highest rated "spiritual talk-back" show in all of Canada. Go check out his show's site! The Drew Marshall Show.

We should have a great show! Do you have questions? e-mail them to me ahead of time to: hope@talprincelive.com Also, call the show and talk to us live! Our number is 1.800.528.HOPE We can't do the show without YOU!

Remember, we have our prayer team active for you! Let us know how we can pray for you!

What would you like for us to talk about on the show? Let me know!

2 Response to "Drew Marshall and Willie P. Young"

  • Abbey Says:

    Hey Tal. I've been lurking around your sites for a short while.
    I think I'll give this a listen. I loved The Shack and you scare me enough to make me want to love you too. Your openess is frightening to me. And refreshing.

  • Tal Prince Says:

    Hey Abbey,

    Thanks for lurking! Don't be fooled - my openness frightens me too sometimes. :) I've just found that it is a major part of what the Gospel is really about.

    It says much more about the greatness of God when you know what He saved me from and that He loves me knowing what all I've done and where I've been. God didn't save me because He has good taste! ;)

    We'd love to get to know you, and if you want, please call the show tomorrow night and ask William Young a question about the book! Or Tell him what you think about it, and how it impacted you.

    You could also comment here, or e-mail us at: hope@talprincelive.com and I'll get the comment to him for you.

    Keep hangin' out with us, it's great to have you around, Abbey. And you can relax - in my transparency, I'll never force it from you, ok?