Dan Allender on Tal Prince Live!

Ok, so how do you interview someone that you have an enormous amount or respect and admiration for? Dan Allender's writings, and his story, have had a tremendous impact on me over the years. So, on a whim, I tell Jack Landham to try and book him on the show.

I never thought he would actually do it, but guess what - he agreed and will be on the show tomorrow night! I am excited/terrified and have no clue what to really say to the man. SO, if you have any questions for Dan Allender, e-mail me, or leave a comment here on the blog! We will use them, I promise. Well, unless it's a pointless question like boxers or briefs...

Help me out with this one, alright? It's a clear case of being careful what you wish for... I'm thrilled to have him on, but freaked out at the same time. Don't forget to tune in! Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 161 Sunday night at 9:00 EST/6:00 PST